Cannabis is one of the widely recognised drug plant grown and used across the globe. The produce from cannabis plants come out in the hemp fire and psychotropic drug forms. The debate over making cannabis an official drug and a plant good to grow and consume is still on, and the governments are not able to zero in on a decision. That is because of the varying range of effects that it can cause. So here are the effects caused by cannabis. The effects are divided into various categories, and they are listed as below.
Immediate effects:
Consumption if cannabis can have some immediate effects. Unlike the usual drug that can take a while to have an impact, cannabis is one drug that can have immediate effects such as laughter, reflexive behavior filled with humor and laughter. A few negative effects such as paranoia and anxiety. The first-time consumer can also feel high, and they might feel dizzy. There are cases where it can increase your appetite, and prolonged consumption can lead to unstable and shaky behavior.
On high doses:
The above-stated symptoms are quite common, and any person, even the ones who consume mild doses can encounter this. But in the event that the consumer has gone for high doses, then that can lead to some serious unexpected aftermath. Some of these consequences are confusion, restlessness, hallucinations and panic attacks. These are some of the common side effects of consuming it on high degrees. The person can sometimes be largely detached from reality and can experience unwanted fear and confusion.

Long-term impact:
The long-term impact of consuming cannabis is the brain can get damaged as it involves itself in unwanted thoughts and over-thinking habits when they are drugged. Though many people use it as a way to feel relieved of their pain and use it as CBD oil for shingles, it becomes an addiction and people gradually give in to it. There are also people who face a lot of cardiac issues, and it affects their immune system. In the long-run, it also reduces the life-expectancy of the user.
Other effects:
Like we stated earlier, the person can have a large range of side effects and the impact can vary from one person to the other. So while some people experience physical issues, a large number of other people experience social issues. They might not be able to mingle with others in the society and might lose track of what they are doing. As a result, they might be isolated in public. A combination of using cannabis with other drugs is also possible, and that can lead to unexpected complications. One common habit that is largely affected due to cannabis consumption is that you can lose motor skills and it can also lead to the inability in driving.